Kheprw Institute

Indianapolis, Indiana 2025


Adaptive re-use of a historic mixed-use building into a 7,000 square foot office, workshop, and educational spaces for a not-for-profit organization.

Status: Construction complete

Kheprw Institute is one of Indy’s most dynamic and unique organizations. The organization's commitment to leadership development, entrepreneurial opportunities, and social change made them an ideal client.  The 7,000 SQFT transformation of the former Concord Building at 3802 N Illinois St, Indianapolis, IN 46208 was a major undertaking for a nearly 100 year old building. The rehab of a very vintage mixed use into a contemporary office is estimated at $1.5 million and is a major victory for the Midtown and Butler/Tarkington communities and the Illinois/38th Street retail corridor.

 If you visit the building today Alkemy is prominently displayed in the metal railing, along with the scarb beetle - a symbol of strength and longevity they both represent a new future for an important corner in the City of Indianapolis.  Dedicated to community empowerment through self-mastery the project was led by some key programmatic features, including flexible spaces for education, workshops, and community driven programs by incorporating key design elements including engagement zones, sustainability features, new technologies, and artistic integration that honor the community’s authentic and future identity.

 w/Purpose served as the project's design lead since 2017 and was involved at multiple levels over many years. The building's early concepts hinged on opening up the existing floor plate and bringing 1st and 2nd floors together so the space felt truly integrated. New energy efficient windows, bamboo floors, and open joist ceilings enabled workspaces throughout the facility to receive daylighting, while representing an open and thoughtful environment for learning and sharing.  Special interior details were introduced by Artist Consuelo Poland, whose steel tables and stools were adorned with Adinkra symbols.

 In 2022, w/Purpose teamed with Indy Architecture Studio Monterosso Muse, Artist Consuelo Poland, and BWI as (General Contractor) to see the project through certificate of occupancy.  We were proud to be part of a team that achieved an overall 70% minority participation with its professionals and subcontractors.

 The new facility will be home to Alkehmy - continues to be a vital resource in Indianapolis, fostering empowerment and contributing to a sustainable community
























Design Lead: w/purpose

Wil Marquez (architectural design, interior design, furniture selection, digital images, photography)

Architect: Monterosso Muse

Paul Puzzello (design development, project architect, structural design, HVAC design, plumbing design, electrical layout and coordination, bidding and construction oversite)